AIC Statement on the U.S. Election

AIC Statement on the U.S. Election

The American Iranian Council congratulates Donald John Trump for winning the historic election and becoming the 45th President of the United States.

As a long-standing non-profit, non-partisan and educational organization, AIC has nearly three decades of experience working with administrations on both sides of the political aisle.  We are well-positioned and well-prepared to work with the new Trump Administration to achieve meaningful results towards improved understanding and better U.S.-Iran relations.  

The election of a new American president is always a crucial juncture in foreign relations.  AIC was established in 1990 just after President Bill Clinton took office, and our very first conference, U.S.-Iran Relations in the Clinton Administration, addressed some of the challenges ahead for the two countries, and offered AIC's recommendations moving forward.  In 2009, shortly after President Obama had taken office, Congressman Dennis Kucinich delivered AIC’s 2009 White Paper to the President. Many of the recommendations put forward in that White Paper were ultimately implemented.

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