Dr. Amirahmadi On Leave From AIC; Announces Candidacy For President Of Iran

Dear Friend,

I am writing to inform you that I will be taking a temporary leave of absence as President of the American Iranian Council during the period of the Presidential election in Iran.  As many of you are aware, I have previously run for President of Iran. This year, I have again announced my candidacy:

English: https://www.trackpersia.com/iranian-american-professor-gears-presidential-election/ 
Persian: http://masalnews.ir/46222/

My leave will begin on April 10 and last at least through the Presidential election season.  The American Iranian Council is proud to be a non-partisan organization with nearly three decades of achievement in US-Iran relations.  My leave will ensure that the organization remains non-partisan and that there is no conflict of interest or association between my political activities and statements and those of the organization.

AIC Chairman Senator Johnston has appointed AIC Board Member Mr. Michael Caridi to be Acting President of the Council.  During this time Mr. Caridi will be taking on all duties of the role.



Professor Hooshang Amirahmadi