Now Is the Time To Act

Now Is the Time To Act

By Brayden Zimmerman, AIC Summer Research Associate

Please note that the views expressed in this publication, as with all articles written by AIC interns, do not necessarily represent the views of the American Iranian Council.  

In recent history, the world has seen the harm that can result from instability. As a result, governments around the world must work towards peace, particularly in places where conflict seems so inevitable. One way that America can work towards that goal of promoting peace, and reducing the chance of more unnecessary violence and instability is by working to lock in the benefits and improved relations ushered in by the adoption and implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).  The next 10-15 years are absolutely critical in this regard. We need to start focusing on doing what it takes to foster a peaceful, mutually beneficial, and trusting relationship with Iran. The risks of following any other path are too great and too real.

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