The United States and Iran: Is Confrontation Necessary
The United States and Iran: Is Confrontation Necessary, contains the proceeding of the conference held in Chamber of Commerce, Washington D.C. The book provides analysis and insight by prominent experts, scholars and policy-makers on a range of topics pertaining to US-Iran relations.
The primary topics and their respective contributors include:
- US-Iran Relations: A view from the US Senate - Joseph Biden
- A Perspective on Iran’s Regional Role - Giandomenico Picco
- Iran and Afghanistan: A UN Perspective - John Renniger
- Israel on US-Iran Relations - Keith Weissman
- Weapons of Mass Destruction: A Regional Security Perspective - Robert Galluci
- Trends in Political Islam and Implications for U-S Iran Relations - Shireen Hunter
- US-Iran Relations: A View from the US Senate - Chuck Hagel
- US-Iran Relations: the View from the White House - Zalmay Khalilzad
- The Iranian-American Community and US-Iran Relations - John J. Ghaznavi